Can I export projection data and results?

You can export your data once you complete your forecast.

traffic projection export

This allows you to use our fast forecasting system to build your estimates, then export into a spreadsheet for deeper analysis or custom reporting.

You can export your data from the Admin Dashboard, or the individual projection’s final reporting screen (Step 5).

What’s included?

Comprehensive Export Options: Instead of generating a PDF report, you can now export your results in a zipped folder, which includes:

  • A PNG snapshot of each chart or table from the final report (Step 5) page, perfect for incorporating into your proposals or presentation slides.
  • Two CSV files, one for new keywords and another for existing keywords, containing all the fields you need to dive deeper into your data.


  • Enhanced Customization: Easily embed PNG images in your own documents and slide templates, allowing for a personalized touch to your proposals and presentations.
  • Greater Data Control: With CSV exports, manipulate and analyze the data in your own spreadsheets, enabling more detailed and customized analysis.

csv traffic projection export

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